54 St James Street are proud to have such an array of businesses operating under its roof. We’d like you to get to know our tenants a little better this year through our new blog series 5 minutes with…

With The Women’s Organisation at its helm, 54 St James Street boasts a contemporary frontage and interior, with fantastic facilities to satisfy the needs of the modern worker. The location, on St James Street, provides a great opportunity for business owners with the the use of an L1 postcode and the benefit of a prime, city centre location. Located in the thriving Baltic Triangle and only a short walk from John Lewis and Bold Street, 54 St James Street is an ideal spot for both corporate and non-corporate events and meetings.

The nature of our tenant’s businesses and the stories behind the people who created them, can often go unheard. So, who lives in a building like this? Meet, Gill …

Business Consultant Gillian Hunt operates her business from 54 St James Street, Liverpool

Tell us about your business…

I help businesses to have a fabulous online presence which will help them build the offline business they want.  I help them manage the resources they have.  Projects can include:  management of your list building website, email marketing, effective social media and curating a message that works both on and offline.

Describe your typical daily routine…

Typically, I start the day with some journalling; I find this is important to set my mind for the day.  When work starts I’ll check up on my goals and plan an outline of the most important things to be achieved that day. If it’s a blog writing day, I enjoy getting a cup of coffee and sipping this as I’m writing.

Once I’m done with my blogging, I’ll plan out some social media on the theme I’m using for that day and then on to some preparation ready for client meetings scheduled in the afternoon.  A couple of phone calls and emails to people I’m staying in touch with, lunch and then head over to 54 St. James St to sit down with clients, who are working on their own projects.  My job is to ensure they are accountable for keeping up to date with the actions they have agreed with me to do and that I’m giving them a helping hand where needed.  Then time for a cup of tea and catch up on Facebook before a Women’s Organisation Business Club networking.

Why did you choose 54 St. James Street?

Because there is a good atmosphere, it’s bright and has natural daylight. It’s in a good location, convenient for car parking and public transport. The combination of a good cafe and readily available meeting rooms was a decision maker. I also liked the connection to The Women’s Organisation.

What would be your top tips for anyone looking to start a business?

My top tips would be…

  1. Planning: Do a business plan.  It’s through the planning process that you uncover potential opportunities, hurdles and solutions.  When you hit these things later it’s as if you’ve already been there before. Remember to continue with that planning process as your business grows and changes.
  1. Connections:Start making a list of your connections so you can contact them by:  email, phone, social media.  They are important to you
  1. Test: out your offer and get some feedback on it.  Ask for permission for publicity and this is gold dust for publicising your business.
  1. Show what you do:Don’t be frightened of explaining what you do.  The more people who know about what you do, the more opportunities for getting more business.
  1. Cash:In the early days of your business you will be expected to pay for everything in advance.  Learn to manage the cash-flow.

What’s on your reading or watch list at the moment?

Expert Secrets – The Underground Playbook by Russell Brunson and Business Intuition by Holly Worton.

Find out more about Gillian’s business on her Twitter or Facebook page.

If you’re interested in hiring out any of 54 St James Street’s facilities or would like more information you can call 0151 706 8100 or email venue@thewo.org.uk.

If you are a tenant and you would like to feature in the #5MinutesWith series – please contact lucycashman@thewo.org.uk for more information.