54 St James Street is home to a broad variation of businesses, and we’d like you to get to know them a little better through our blog series ‘5 minutes with ..’

We’ll be sitting down with tenants to ask them five simple, snappy questions. Last time we heard from Gillian Hunt.co (catch up here!) and this time it’s Prosperity Private Wealth!

5 Minutes With .. Prosperity Private Wealth

Prosperity Private Wealth provides clear and precise financial planning to help you meet your financial objectives, to maintain the lifestyle you want and within the timeframes you chose – and they’re based right here at 54 St James Street.

Introducing .. Prosperity Private Wealth!

Our typical daily routine consists of .. matching new clients with their own personal financial adviser, who can accommodate both their personal and business needs with the highest level of attention and expertise. And helping our existing clients to achieve all they desire, with the help of firm financial foundations.

5 Minutes With .. Prosperity Private Wealth

We chose 54 St James St .. because we liked that it promotes female led businesses like our own and we share similar values. We are proud to advocate services for women and know from experience what a difference the right advice and support can make.

Our top tips for business start-ups are .. Know the money – cash flow planning is essential for the immediate heath and long term growth of your business. And be sure to utilise the courses held at 54 St James St, they really are effective.

On our watch list is .. Brexit, it’s important to us to be aware of the environment our clients are investing at all times.

Thanks Prosperity Private Wealth – it’s great to have you here!

5 Minutes With .. Prosperity Private Wealth

For more information on Prosperity Private Wealth’s services, please contact them via 0151 727 1257 or on hello@prosperityprivatewealth.co.uk.

To stay up to date with their latest news, follow Prosperity Private Wealth on Twitter or visit their website.

If you’re a tenant and you’d like to feature on ‘5 minutes with ..’, please contact us on venue@thewo.org.uk