Our co-working space has been recognised as a “global phenomenon” in helping to address the gender-imbalance in start up businesses. We spoke to Yahoo Finance (Australia) about how female-centric co-working spaces are essential to helping more female entrepreneurs into business.

Through the work of The Women’s Organisation, our co-working space is a unique enterprise hub and support network for women. The first of its kind in the UK, Yahoo Finance reports how more and more similar organisations are popping up across the USA to address this world-wide problem.

Co-working space in liverpool

Jo Austin, marketing and engagement manager at The Women’s Organisation explains:

“For many women-led startups, they begin their business journey from a home office. However, often the experiences of the women we’ve worked with indicate that this only serves to compound a common issue for women entrepreneurs who typically find themselves as primary caregivers for young, elderly or infirm relatives”.

“Working from home prevents them from making a clear distinction between home life and working life, and often their businesses are then either not taken seriously by those around them, or are hindered as their other responsibilities don’t reduce as their business increases due to their close physical proximity to all that needs to be done.”

“Our research showed that the typical user of co-working space within the city region tended to be men, particularly those in the digital and creative fields. Our service users often found these spaces intimidating and longed for a safe space where they could both serve business need and feel supported”.

You can read the full story and find out more about our co-working space here.


How our co-working space is addressing the gender imbalance in businessHow our co-working space is addressing the gender imbalance in business