Next up on the ‘Five Minutes With…’ series is our tenant, Suzanne Lau, owner of World of Creative Dreams. After being made redundant twice in one year, Suzanne bounced back and followed her business dream offering core services to authors. From front cover design to book publishing, find out what happens in Suzanne’s World of Creative Dreams…

Tell us about World of Creative Dreams…

Five Minutes With... World of Creative DreamsA few years ago I got made redundant twice in the span of several months. One company closed down and another didn’t have enough work to keep me on. Working as a graphic designer in the first company (a book publishing and commercial printing company), I spent my days honing my design skills and learning the ins and outs of the industry. Designing local history books was my favourite. It was a dream job for me as I loved books and the process entailed when it comes to creating a book from start to finish.

After I got made redundant at the second company, I decided to be brave and strive out on my own. I set up my own company doing what I did best: helping authors with design and book publishing. This was how World of Creative Dreams was born.

Why did you choose 54 St. James Street?

I love The Women’s Organisation and how they help women in business. I’ve been to a few of their networking and panel events and it’s been really enjoyable to be in a room filled with strong, smart women. It only seems fitting that I have World of Creative Dreams located at 54 St James Street.

What would be your top tips for anyone looking to start a business?

Having a passion in what you do is a MUST. It’s long hours and long days so you need to be excited about what you do and want to get up every morning to work at it. Doing it purely for money won’t get you very far, as business success takes time – it doesn’t happen overnight.

Learn to trust your own gut instincts. It’s hard at first as you’re not sure if what you’re doing is right or wrong, but it’s important to trust in yourself and learn from what you do. Always keep learning and improving – never stop.

If starting a business is what you really want to do, then do your research (very important!) and go for it. Keep going!

What’s on your reading or watch list at the moment?

I watch a lot of YouTube videos on design and business. Business entrepreneurs such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Dan Lok, and recently got a recommendation to watch Grant Cardone’s videos which are really interesting and I also follow a few design channels such as the Futur, Roberto Blake and listen to the Resourceful Designer podcast.

I love audio books too – I’m currently still trying to finish listening to Gary Vaynerchuk’s Crushing It and Dan Lok’s F.U. Money.

Five Minutes With... World of Creative Dreams

What’s next for World of Creative Dreams?

It’s still a relatively new company, but I’ve helped a few authors so far from various parts of the UK. I even get requests for designing bespoke books as gifts for people. This has lead to me creating my own luxury stationery brand Epically Beautiful, but that’s a tale for another day!

I now want to expand my current services for authors. Including services like book trailers, working with the media, and developing their own websites. Some of this has recently been achieved, but it’s taken time to build. Small steps can make big progress over time.

For more information you can visit World of Creative Dream’s website, here. You can also find them on Facebook and Instagram.

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